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Meelmaatschappij De Molen N.V.

N.V. Meelmaatschappij De Molen N.V., in Suriname better known as “De Molen” is the only wheat flour producer in Suriname and has been the market leader of flour products in the Surinamese market.

De Molen is the preferred supplier of flour in Suriname, in particular for the bakery industry and the consumer market. As the National producer, De Molen is responsible for the Country’s supply  of the most important raw material (flour) for the production of the number one basic food, namely bread. In addition, we create employement for over 120 employees and are at the basis of the (basic) food security in Suriname.

About us

N.V. Meelmaatschappij De Molen was established on 9 June 1965. The idea behind the establishment was to create local employment, save on foreign currency and to have local control of the country’s flour needs. In 1966 the first wheatvessel arrived and the start of flour production was conducted. As the only flour mill in Suriname, De Molen has been producing high-quality (wheat) flour products and has been exporting to the (Caricom)region since 2007. Flour is used as basis for products such as bread, roti, pasta, pizza, in different dishes, patisserie products, etc.

Taking into consideration its social and civic responsibility and as the basic supplier within the food chain, De Molen strives to make a significant contribution to the health of our people. In order to do so, essential investments were made in the mill and in 2012 we started with the production of whole wheat flour under the brand name Ambrosia. Whole wheat flour is produced by grinding the whole grain without removing the high-fibre and other essential components. In addition to fibers, Ambrosia is naturally enriched and a good vitamin E source.

In 2018 we further enriched all our other flour products with essential vitamins. In addition, our organization strives towards a “zero-waste” environment policy. By – products of the production process of De Molen are used as raw material for the production of feed by our sister company VESU. De Molen has been ISO certified since 2010 (ISO 22000:2018 HACCP) and as such meets the highest quality standards of food safety.


All Purpose Flour

(1kg and 25kg)

This is flour without additional additives and can be used for almost all baking purposes such as baking bread, roti, pizza, fried dishes, patisserie products, etc. All Purpose Flour from De Molen is used in almost all Surinamese households and as such has required the alias ‘household flour’.

Self-rising Flour


Self-rising Flour consists of our All Purpose Flour with the addition of baking powder to increase the ease of baking and is very suitable for baking cakes.

Baker's Flour

(1kg and 25kg)

Baker’s flour is especially produced for bakery industries for the mechanical bread and patisserie production. In Baker’s Flour special (natural) enzymes are added to achieve uniformity in the bread quality and with the purpose of increasing shelf life.

Noodle Flour


This type of flour is used for making noodle and pasta products.

Ambrosia Whole Wheat Flour

(1kg and 25kg)

Whole Wheat Flour is used for different baking purposes, including whole wheat bread and savoury and healthy baked dishes. It is rich in vitamins and fibres and therefore is excellent for consumers who lead a healthy lifestyle.

Chocolate chip cookies

Chocolate marshmallow cake

Glazed donuts

"TOK" fried chicken
